exhibition and performance series LSD - Words And Their Worlds is based on the motifs of bizarre
social trips. World views and views of the world will be mixed up and
reassembled in a freely associative way and in the surreal logic of God's
LSD stands
for the risk of staying soft, awake and alert. Not only will it examine the
fossilized status quo that accelerates inequalities, but it will also explore
forms of resistance that are needed today to prevent "bad trips".
How much
imagination can be used to illustrate the absurdity of human existence and its
exhibition and performance series LSD - Words And Their Worlds is based on the
motifs of bizarre social trips. Freely associative and in the surreal logic of
God's Entertainment, world views and visual worlds are mixed up and
reassembled. In this way, everyday experiences can be viewed in a new light and
have an intoxicating effect. A small living room offers just as much to
discover as the street in front of the house.
LSD is the
adventure of staying soft, awake and alert. Not only the fossilized status quo
that accelerates inequalities is examined, but also forms of resistance that
are needed today to prevent "bad trips". How much imagination can be
used to illustrate the absurdity of human existence and its regulations?
LSD is more
vision than decision, more means than mission! Find the fly in the ointment and
blow it up! Tuctuc! God's Entertainment plunder in the Naktademi of
Nissenschaften and can't stop shaking their heads, recognizing and laughing in
the temple of the boldest. Con spermasan & Radišo. Words that are thrown at
you can throw you off course. Words that - when you put them in your mouth -
feel so commonplace and yet so funny. And dissolve the longer you chew on them,
like a piece of cardboard on your tongue, leaving a bitter aftertaste.
3 Letters /
3 Exhibitions / 2-3-2-1 Events! Everything is connected to something, which in
turn is connected to something else, and every trip through time and space
leads back to its beginnings.
CHAPTER L / 25. 04. –
CHAPTER S // 16.05. –
CHAPTER D /// 13.06. –
Tu-Fr 1pm - 7pm
Sa 12pm - 5pm
2 -3 -2 -1
25/26.04. | 7pm | BODIES
& BUILDING - Performance
Afterwords: JUKEBOX live
16.05. | 7pm | GENDRIFICTION
- Performance
17.05. | 5pm - 7pm | DULDEN - Lecture-Performance
18.05. | 12pm - 5pm | SOCIAL BODY
BUILDING - Performance
Afterwords: JUKEBOX live
13/14.06. | 7pm | THIS IS NOT THE WHITE HOUSE? - Performance
& CO
Afterwords: JUKEBOX live
29.06. | 7pm| FIN
Afterwords: JUKEBOX live
In Coproduction
with DAS WEISSE HAUSE | Supported by MA7
Life is best shown in its private setting, in the way we live. A, B, C, D, Life: Each object is assigned to a category, and the subject as well. Run-down or newly refurbished? Roof terrace or roofless? A meter for square meter, a battle at all costs. What do living spaces do to the bodies of their residents? And what to do when the dream of having your own four walls starts to shrink, and the patterns on the kitchen tiles start to inevitably melt away? It reeks of gentrification and gendrifiction.
L as a brand that one recognizes as the trimmed and framed dot of an exclamation mark of a fully renovated society. It gives the impression that everything is going according to a perfect plan. Everything seems to have been said. Everything has been completed. Everything has been framed.
Surely, there must be more to it than that?
"Everything we see hides another thing; we always want to see what is hidden by what we see. There is an interest in that which is hidden and which the visible does not show us. This interest can take the form of a quite intense feeling, a sort of conflict, one might say, between the visible that is hidden and the visible that is present." - René Magritte
The world, like an open window.
And you are exhausted of looking through it.
You cannot behave yourself.
You gamble away your soul.
You lie down in the dream of someone else's "own" four walls.
You are tired of the morning.
Where does this lead?
Das Leben zeigt sich am besten in seinem privaten Schauplatz, die Art wie wir wohnen. A, B, C, D, Life: Jedes Objekt einer Kategorie zugeordnet und das Subjekt am besten gleich dazu. Baufällig oder topsaniert? Dachterrasse oder ohne Dach über dem Kopf? Meter für Quadratmeter ein Kampf um jeden Preis. Was machen die Wohnräume mit den Körpern ihrer Bewohner*innen? Und was tun, wenn der Traum von eigenen vier Wände gefühlt immer enger werden und die Muster auf den Fliesen in der Küche unaufhaltsam zerfließen. Es stinkt nach Gentrifizierung und Gendrifiktionalisierung.
L als eine Marke, die man kennt, als der ausgeschnittene und eingerahmte Punkt eines Ausrufezeichens topsanierter Gesellschaft. Es erweckt den Eindruck, alles läuft nach einem guten Plan. Alles scheint gesagt. Alles abgeschlossen. Alles im Rahmen.
Da muss doch noch mehr dahinterstecken?
"Alles, was wir sehen, verbirgt etwas anderes, wir wollen immer sehen, was durch das, was wir sehen, verborgen wird. Es gibt ein Interesse an dem, was verborgen ist und was das Sichtbare uns nicht zeigt. Dieses Interesse kann die Form eines sehr intensiven Gefühls annehmen, eine Art Konflikt, könnte man sagen, zwischen dem Sichtbaren, das verborgen ist, und dem Sichtbaren, das präsent ist." - René Magritte
Die Welt, wie ein offenes Fenster.
Und du bist es leid, hindurchschauen.
Du kannst dich nicht benehmen.
Du verspielst deine Seele.
Du legst dich im Traum von den „eigenen“ vier Wänden jemand anderen hin.
Du bist des Morgens überdrüssig.
Wohin führt das?
In Coproduction
with DAS WEISSE HAUSE | Supported by MA7
Language (in German Sprache) is power. It is a condition for the exercise of power and itself a power through which the social relationships of actors are structured. Language is a tool and a work and structures thought, discourse and social order. Without language, there is no narrative. Everything manifests itself in it, even that which cannot be said and that which renders speechless. Language shapes bodies: legitimizes or criminalizes them, exposes or relegates them, standardizes, defines, empowers, tolerates, humiliates. Words, just words, but we are still allowed to say that!
Language writes itself into bodies and sometimes writes them out of the world. What happens to the body after it has been repressed? What do you do when not only the neighborhood but also your own body is to be gentrified and you are suddenly told: Your body is my house and you will soon be moving out of it!
Sprache ist Macht. Sie ist Bedingung für Machtausübung und selbst eine Macht, durch die soziale Beziehungen von Akteur*innen strukturiert werden. Sprache ist Werkzeug und Werk und strukturiert, Denken, Diskurs und soziale Ordnung. Ohne Sprache kein Narrativ. In ihr manifestiert sich alles, selbst das, was nicht gesagt werden kann und das, was sprachlos macht. Sprache formt Körper: Legitimiert oder kriminalisiert sie, stellt sie aus oder schiebt sie ab, normiert, definiert, ermächtigt, duldet, erniedrigt. Worte, nur Worte, aber das wird man wohl noch sagen dürfen!
Sprache schreibt sich in die Körper ein und diese manchmal aus der Welt hinaus. Was passiert mit dem Körper nach seiner Verdrängung? Was tun, wenn nicht nur das Wohnviertel, sondern gleich der eigene Körper gentrifiziert werden soll und es plötzlich heißt: Dein Körper ist mein Haus und daraus ziehst du bald aus!
In Coproduction
with DAS WEISSE HAUSE | Supported by MA7
m Auftrag von God’s Entertainment aktiviert das künstlerische Sondereinsatzkommando Super Nase & Co mit ihrer Serie This is not…? die Selbstbestimmung im Nahkampf mit der Wirklichkeit. Vermeintliche ästhetische und künstlerische Ansprüche werden dabei fröhlich ignoriert, geht es doch vielmehr darum herauszufinden, wie Begegnungen mit Kunstwerken eine solche Kraft entwickeln, dass sich durch sie neuen Formen der Gemeinschaft erfahren lassen.
Bei Super Nase & Co wird das Erkennen zum Akt, der das, was erkannt wird, zugleich verwandelt. Das betrachtende Auge subjektiviert den Gegenstand des Betrachtens, denn mit „Not?“ lässt sich unterscheiden, was mit den Augen der Wirklichkeit gesehen wird und was mit den Augen der Imagination zu sehen ist.
Commissioned by God's Entertainment, the artistic task force Super Nase & Co activates self-determination in close combat with reality through their series This is not...? Alleged aesthetic and artistic demands are cheerfully ignored, as the focus is rather on discovering how encounters with artworks can develop such power that new forms of community can be experienced through them.
With Super Nase & Co, recognition becomes an act that simultaneously transforms what is recognized. The observing eye subjectivizes the object of observation as "Not?" allows for distinguishing what is seen with the eyes of reality from what is seen with the eyes of imagination.
In Coproduction
with DAS WEISSE HAUSE | Supported by MA7
Photo: Peter Mayr/GE
God's Entertainment invite to the finissage of their performance and exhibition series LSD - Words And Their Worlds. They have commissioned their Doppelganger Super Nase & Co to accompany the audience through the evening. Under the motto The Pleasure To Being Uncomfortable, SN&Co invite the audience to the performance THIS IS NOT YOKO ONO? on the 29th June at 7:30 p.m. in the White House. Doppelganger don't reveal much about the performance, only as much as, It matters what words make worlds, what worlds make words!
Addendum from Gods, Every day when we cycle to Das Weisse Haus over Michaelerplatz, we have to close our eyes in order not to have to see the enslaved horses.
In Coproduction
with DAS WEISSE HAUSE | Supported by MA7
Photo: Peter Mayr/GE